Gala Competition - What you need to know

As a competitive swimming club we expect all swimmers to be interested in taking part in competitions and be available for selection at club events. The links below will explain the difference between Internal and External galas and some of the things you may come across:
Irrespective of the nature of the gala there are certain things you need to be aware of.
What kit is required?
- Club Swim hat (and Spare)
- Goggles (and a spare pair)
- Club T-shirt
- Competition Costume
- Warm-Up Costume (if wearing a race suit)
- 2x Towels
Don't forget to refuel?
Water is a key to all swimmers, not just to swim in but also to remain hydrated, so always bring a water bottle that can be replenished throughout the day.
Food should consist of something that is healthy and energy laden, this could be things like nuts, fruit, jelly, or a small amount of pasta. Food is your fuel so make sure you bring the right things, as the fastest way to a slow time is poor diet and food choices.
What about the parents?
Some key things to remember are:
- Be Positive - Even if your swimmer has a poor gala, they need building up not knocking down.
- Let the Coaches deliver the feedback - they will give your swimmer the information they need to know
- Prepare for a long day - Depending on the event you could be there for a few hours or a few days. Venues are hot and your swimmer will be out of the water longer than they are in it so bring some creature comforts.