City of SALFORD - Halloween Potential Olympians Gala 2022
Sat 29th & Sun 30th October - Broughton Leisure Centre Salford

This is a brand new entry onto our schedule and is a gala with no lower end times so is suitable for all swimmers from D3 up and those Dolphins swimmers who are ready to experience competition.
Details are below but if you would like discuss entries please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the coaching team.
If the gala is over subscribed the organizers retain the right to reject entries based on entry times.
>>Gala Information<<
Conditions, top end entry times & all of the gala info is in this one pack
>>Gala Entry<<
Enter this gala here
Our internal deadline for entries is Sunday Oct 4th - 9pm.
Entries are £5.00 per race + a £2 admin fee