Reintroduction of Facemasks - Covid -19
30 Nov 2021
With a change in Government policy over the weekend and after working with our pool providers requirements, we need to announce that the use of facemasks in the spectator gallery is now compulsory except where someone has a medical exemption. This step will be in force at both Ribblesdale and Stonyhurst Pools.
Swimmers & coaches are advised to wear facemasks until ready to go poolside.
With the new Government rules coming into force from today, we were left with the choice of either closing the spectator galleries completely or insisting on the use of facemasks. Given the weather and the recent re-introduction of spectating we believe at this point in time that the use of facemasks is the best option. This is a small price to pay to enable training and spectating to continue.
We will as as always, review this step as more information and guidance becomes available.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
CDASC Committee