Details for our trip to Stocksbridge Pentaqua
19 Apr 2022

Stocksbridge Pentaqua - Saturday April 23rd 2022 @ Ponds Forge
- Coach for the Day: Martha Smith
- Team Marshals: Lee Scanlan, Becky Walmsley
- The team is going to be seated in the stands as the organisers want to space swimmers out and keep poolside clear.
- The swimmers should arrive at Ponds Forge with enough time prior to warm up to allow them to change. We will be meeting outside the main entrance at 7.40 to 7.45am prompt
- Girls Warm Up is 8.00am
- Boys Warm up is 8.25am
- The first race starts at 8.50am
- If swimmers are registered to take part but are not going to attend, or need to withdraw from the event please email [email protected] at the earliest opportunity. This is to allow us ample time to withdraw the swimmers.
- As you enter the doors to the arena swimmers will be seated to the left and Parents and spectators to the right.
- The cost of admission is £5 per person with under 9s free. Spectators are requested to have the correct fee where possible to avoid change swapping hands.
- The diving pool will be used as a warm up and warm down pool and will be accessible for this purpose. Swimmers mis-using the pool will lead to the pool being withdrawn for all swimmers, and we will remove offending swimmers from the competition. Misuse includes diving and swimming to the bottom as this is extremely dangerous.
- The Programme is at this link - Stocksbridge Spring Open Meet 2022 Programme.pdf