Adam Peaty Race Clinics
11 May 2023
The POD met with the elite coaches from the Adam Peaty Race Clinics earlier this week at our Stonyhurst College Pool Venue.
It was an opportunity for our Swimmers and their Parents to meet with elite coaches and learn, discuss and practice ideas, techniques and processes that help in races.
The evening was split into two sessions, the first was classroom based and gave our parents and swimmers the opportunity to learn more about the race environment – fuel, sleep etc.. and the second part was a practical in the water focusing on technique, enhancing underwater performance especially on turns and dives and generally enabling the swimmers to put into practice things they had learnt over the clinic.
The coaches talked about Adam Peaty, his early trials, his small wins leading to bigger successes and his mentality and attitude and how this helps to set the good swimmers and the elite swimmers apart.
Our swimmers were brilliant, asking questions, paying close attention to answers, making notes and behaving impeccably. Our parents were able to ask questions on how to improve their support processes for their swimmers and gain elite level knowledge to help them improve this vital area of their child’s swimming.
Our motto here at Clitheroe Dolphins is “Dream. Believe. Achieve” and so its perhaps fitting that all our swimmers and parents came away very excited and revved up for the future.
One swimmer was heard to say “that was sick!” whilst another said they were “buzzing” when asked how the clinic had gone at the end of the evening. Great praise indeed!
Thanks to the committee and our Chair Lee Scanlan for arranging the event.
Thanks to Adam Peaty Race Clinics for excellence in delivery and a fantastic look into the world of elite swimming.
But most of all, thanks to the parents, carers and swimmers… without you… their wouldn’t be a club.